
WE LOVE KIDS! And we love helping parents and care providers build and nurture a foundation of faith in children’s lives! If there’s one message we want kids to know, it’s that God loves them and always will. 

Nursery Care

Sunday Infants though Age 4

Wednesday Infants through Age 5

Nursery care at Community United Methodist Church is designed to provide a safe, enjoyable and loving environment in which infants, children (through age four) and adults can interact. Once a child turns four, they are invited to further their faith formation by participating in Sunday School but if they are not ready to do so yet they can wait another year. Because we know the value of consistency and routine in a little one’s life, the nursery is professionally staffed between 9:45-11:15 AM on Sundays. This same care is provided on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-8:15 PM during the academic year for infants through age 5. A professional will staff the nursery at other times as needed.

We utilize a pager system to keep in close touch with our families and give each household a Welcome to the Nursery Letter outlining our policies and procedures. Families new to the nursery are asked to complete a Nursery Registration Form that is then kept on file for future use.

Sunday School     

Sunday School is offered during worship* for children ages preschool through sixth grade during the academic year.  At CUMC, each lesson is designed to be an interactive experience that transforms the minds, hearts and hands of children. This is because it is important for kids to know God with their minds and essential that they love and engage with God in their hearts as well.  More than that, transformational faith involves a hands-on experience.  For this reason, our Sunday school lessons not only strive to help the youngest among us grow in their knowledge (mind) and love (heart) of God, they’re designed to help kids think through how their faith applies to everyday situations (the hands). 

*Family Worship - Sunday School is not offered on the first Sunday of the month as families are encouraged to worship together and celebrate communion.

Who Leads Sunday School?
The Director of Children’s, Youth and Family Ministries teaches alongside adult volunteer teachers and youth assistants.  Any and all persons 18+ who work with children have completed and passed a background check. 

Can My Child Stay in Worship?
Children are always welcome to remain in the Worship Center and experience a full worship service alongside their families. 

Wednesday Nights

Grades K-6 participate in Wednesday evening programming September through May. There is no such thing as too much kindness, so we’re on a mission to remind you of exactly that in what we call the Kindness Klub. If we can make one person smile or take a moment to consider those around them, we’ve done our job. Join us in the Pumpkin Patch room downstairs as we work together using service projects to walk side by side with Jesus and look after our neighbors! The first night we’ll be making Blessing Bags for families to keep in their cars. This will be a great opportunity to handout to anyone who is homeless that families may encounter on their journey.

Child/Youth Participation/Permission Form and Medical Release

We ask that parents/guardians complete a new Child/Youth Participation/Permission Form and Medical Release at the start of every school year. All provided information will be kept confidential and used to ensure the safe participation of the children.

Child/Youth Participation/Permission Form and Medical Release


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

VBS 2024 
July 29th - August 1st  | 9:00AM - 12:00 PM

VBS Sunday, August 4,  10 AM
Hero Hotline

Ages 4 years (potty-trained) to 5th grade 

Ready for some fun with the ultimate hero team? Hero Hotline VBS invites children of all ages to answer the call to serve God together. With the help of the Professor and Super Meer the meerkat, young Heroes learn to strive for peace and the things that build each other up (Romans 14:19). Through Old and New Testaments stories about teams of supporting heroes, kids learn how to Follow Jesus, Help Others, Work Together, Listen to God, and Show Grace.

Please register Now Thank You!



© 2025 Community United Methodist Church   |   9225 Jason Ave NE, Monticello, MN US 55362