Youth Mission Trip
Location & Date: Rapid City, SD | July 27 - August 2, 2025
Ages: 8th Grade (Completed before the trip) to 12th Grade
Mission Trip Sign-Up Meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 4 during Chili Cookoff- bring 2 pots of chili if you plan to go on the trip! Get your first $100 payment in early to secure your seat!
Chaperones: Please let Bruce Bakken, Jess Monett or Pastor Ralph know if you are interested.
Transportation: 15 passenger Van – if more than 15 people are interested we’ll add a 7-passenger minivan
Total Cost: $400 per person. All checks written out to Community UMC with Mission Trip Payment for _______ in the memo line. Anyone in need of financial assistance please talk to Pastor Ralph, Jess Monett, or Bruce Bakken.
Payments of $100 due:
December 6 (this is your deposit to hold a seat for you on the trip)
February 12
April 9
June 1 – Full trip payments must be made by this date or you forfeit your seat on the trip and will lose past deposits.
Fundraisers: We need everyone to be at these fundraisers! For every 4 hour shift you work your name will be entered into a raffle for a Target Gift Card at the end of the school year. Parent help is required at all fundraisers.
*Pasties Sales (Open up for orders on Feb. 9 Orders due by March 9, everyone making pasties over Monti Spring Break March 21-29, Pastie Pick Up March 30, 9AM-Noon in Fellowship Hall) Parent help required
*Cookout/Silent Auction Sunday, May 4, 11AM Fellowship Hall - Parent Help required & Auction Item Donations Needed
You can support the youth trips by going to the CUMC Give page and donating to help offset the cost of the trip, such as gas, food, etc. Just click the button below. Be sure to indicate the Youth Mission Trip box.
Thank you for supporting the Youth Mission Trip!
Grades 7 and 8
Seventh and eighth-grade students typically make up our Confirmation class (though we confirm older students too). We meet from 6:30-7:30 PM on Wednesday nights when school is in session. Service projects, large group activities and fun are built into our two-year Confirmation program, but most nights, students are divided into small groups led by adult mentors. We use curriculum that our pastor has put together (some original material, some borrowed from other curricula), spending one year focused on the Bible and the other, on United Methodism and theology. We conclude the night together as a large group. The pastor leads the large group in a lesson summary before students are encouraged to stump the pastor with questions about the Bible, faith, United Methodism--most anything is fair game. (There is a fun, edible surprise if you successfully stump the pastor!)
We exist for students to be transformed by the ferocious love of God into new creations marked by healthy relationships with God, ourselves, and others.
Youth Group
Grades 9-12 / Wednesday Night Programming
Community UMC has an active youth group that meets September through May on Wednesday nights downstairs in the Youth Room. Join us as we take a closer look at the life of Jesus and his followers via The Chosen global phenomenon series! Youth will view film and stop and start to have engaging discussions about topics relatable to their own life that parallel the show they are viewing. Once a month the group will go out into the community for service projects and/or fellowship with the Confirmation class.
For more information about the Youth Group contact Jess Monett.
Participation/Permission Form
We ask that parents/guardians complete a new Child/Youth Participation/Permission Form and Medical Release at the start of every school year. All provided information will be kept confidential and used to ensure the safe participation of our youth.