

We hear about serving our neighbors as the Youth Mission Team shares about their experience this summer on their trip to South Dakota.

Who Am I?

Pastor Ralph kicks off his first Sundays at Community UMC exploring the idea of identity. What helps form your identity?

A Resilient Faith

We are in the midst of transition. From pandemic life to a new normal, spring to summer and one pastor to another. How might we become resilient in the face of adversity, change and newness as individuals and in our relationships?

Never Going Back

This past year has changed us. We have lost friends and loved ones; we’ve missed out on opportunities and experiences.

Things will never be the way they were before.

As we begin our return to normalcy this Easter season, we’re faced with the questions, “What does normal look like now?” and “Where is God’s promise for new life bursting forth?”

Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times

How can love overcome what divides us and move us forward together? Won’t loving everybody make me a doormat—or a hypocrite? How do I find the energy to keep loving when the world seems to be going the other way? How do I find God’s love These questions and many others will have our attention this Lent as we read Bishop Michael Curry’s book, Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times, and consider what the Bible has to say about living, loving and hoping in challenging times.

Ash Wednesday

Today, we begin the season of Lent: a 40-day journey (not counting Sundays) to Easter. Lent is a time of repentance, preparation, self-examination and reflection as we remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness before the start of his public ministry.



Developing a Relationship with God: A Throwback to Psalms

You’ve probably heard someone say they have “a personal relationship with Jesus,” but what does that mean? How do you develop a relationship with the Creator of the Universe? The Book of Psalms gives us an up-close and personal look into the relationships our spiritual ancestors had with God. From them, we can see what authentic interactions with God look like. As we begin the new year, let’s prioritize our faith and deepen our connection with God.

Those Who Dream

Psalm 126 opens with the words, “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.” What does it look like to live as those who dream?

The Advent and Christmas seasons are for the dreamers in all of us—those who dream of deeper connection with God and those who dream of a better world, those who dream of comfort and those who have given up on their dreams, those whose dreams have been crushed and those who show us that dreams take time. Join us this holiday season as we dream alongside prophets and angels, Mary and the Magi. Step into the mystery and awe of God’s dreams as we seek to sow them for our world.



© 2025 Community United Methodist Church   |   9225 Jason Ave NE, Monticello, MN US 55362