Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times

Feb 28, 2021 | Rev. Carrie Binnie

Why Not?! (9 AM)

How do I find the energy to keep loving when the world seems to be going the other way? Can love really change the world? Join us as we engage these questions and consider the role of dreaming in our efforts to heal the world with love.

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Series Information

How can love overcome what divides us and move us forward together? Won’t loving everybody make me a doormat—or a hypocrite? How do I find the energy to keep loving when the world seems to be going the other way? How do I find God’s love These questions and many others will have our attention this Lent as we read Bishop Michael Curry’s book, Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times, and consider what the Bible has to say about living, loving and hoping in challenging times.


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