Who Tells Your Story? (9 AM)
Sometimes life throws us curve balls and our best laid plans get altered. That was certainly the case for Jesus' disciples the day he was crucified. And it happened again three days later when Jesus rose from the dead! His disciples were given the gift of hope and the promise of life eternal with Christ--a promise that continues for us today. Resurrection hope looks different for each of us, but one thing is for sure: death and despair and pain never have the last word! With Jesus, life is just getting started!
Series Information
Having finished our study of the Hebrew Scriptures, we now turn our attention to the New Testament Gospels. Through the incarnation of Jesus Christ, humanity is given the opportunity to see and hear the heart of God. Jesus teaches us how to live, love, learn, listen and lead with integrity and intentionality. No one’s life has had a greater impact on the course of human history than his. Jesus is the heart of the story and the beat of our hearts.