Mar 10, 2019 | Rev. Carrie Binnie

To Build or Not to Build... (11 AM)

    As our journey through the Hebrew Scriptures comes to a close in our study of The Story, we consider the wall Nehemiah led the people of Jerusalem to build around their city. Many have speculated that this story reinforces the importance of marrying people of the same religion. Others claim that it's all about the protection of God's chosen people. Still others have used this story to  justify the erecting of walls or other barriers to segregate people groups. But what might God's desires have been? Is it possible it was never really about a wall in the first place???


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    Series Information

    Throughout the Hebrew Bible, we’ve read about the doubts, temptations, mistakes and violence of God’s people, followed by the forgiveness God inevitably grants them. It has begun to feel like an endless cycle; a playlist on repeat.

    Here’s the thing: we continue to select the same songs today! Why is it so hard for us to change our ways?

    Join us for a new sermon miniseries, Are We Listening?, as we consider how different life might sound if we tune our ears to the will of God.


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