Developing a Relationship with God: A Throwback to Psalms
To be Known (9 AM)
We often compartmentalize things in life, erecting boundaries where they aren't needed. What would it be like to see one another and all of creation as sacred, the way God does? Perhaps, as we begin a new year, it's time to focus our energy on developing a relationship with God who knows everything about us--our strengths and weaknesses, our triumphs and failures--and loves us anyway.
Series Information
You’ve probably heard someone say they have “a personal relationship with Jesus,” but what does that mean? How do you develop a relationship with the Creator of the Universe? The Book of Psalms gives us an up-close and personal look into the relationships our spiritual ancestors had with God. From them, we can see what authentic interactions with God look like. As we begin the new year, let’s prioritize our faith and deepen our connection with God.