Feb 09, 2020 | Rev. Carrie Binnie

The Shadow of Suicide (9 AM)

    Suicide. Every twelve minutes, someone completes suicide in the United States. One in six high school students seriously considers ending his/her life. With alarming statistics like these, why aren't we talking about it more? At Community United Methodist Church, we ARE. Join us we hear from Scott Adrian, the parent of a suicide victim, and consider how we might hear one another into speech, support those in crisis, and remember God's promise that the worst thing is never the last thing. Together, we can choose life and keep hope alive!


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    One in every five U.S. adults experiences mental illness each year. Mental health is a subject of great importance yet is too often brushed under the rug by society, family, friends and the Church. This January, we will consider topics such as loneliness, grief, eating disorders and suicide. We’ll examine stories from the Bible related to mental health and develop a mental health tool kit for personal use. Jesus calls us to be a neighbor to all. Join us as we ponder how we might proactively begin the New Year with a greater awareness of and compassion for those affected by mental health challenges.


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