The Big Picture (11 AM)
We all want to discover who we are and who we're meant to be. Where we've come from, how we handle life's circumstances and the lessons we learn all impact the story we tell. The Bible reminds us that God loves us in spite of our brokenness (and we're all broken) and still sees us as works of art. Together, we tell the ongoing story of God; a masterpiece of love and redemption.
Series Information
Darkness: the space ridden with tension, uncertainty and that which is unknown. The earliest Bible stories tell us that God's people have known darkness from the beginning. Each of us has gone through difficult times and none of us has all the answers. But let us not forget that God lives in the light and dwells in the dark. God even created the separation of light from darkness. What if truth and purpose can be found in the dark? Join us as we seek out the hope that always accompanies darkness in the story of God.