Our Money Story
Remember (9 AM)
Humankind has always worried about having enough--to the point that many of us have too much. But Scripture shows us over and over again that God always provides enough for God's people. The question is, will we live into the just economy Jesus established and in turn, develop the Kingdom of God?
Series Information

Everyone has a “money story,” whether they realize it or not. Perhaps we live in constant fear of never having enough. Maybe we feel shame or embarrassment. The same could be said about the church’s money story. Some might say the Church is largely funded by older generations; that young people don’t give. Others say the Church is too afraid of losing its current membership to change and reach new generations. Let’s set aside the stories we’ve heard played on repeat, and open our hearts and minds to the new narrative God might be speaking into our stories. It’s time we discover and share our money stories in light of God’s money story of freedom and justice.