More Than a Promise (11 AM)
Just like Carl Fredericksen in the Pixar film, Up, sometimes life doesn't go the way we plan. We lose someone dear to us, we go through a divorce, we get laid off.... Regardless of where we've been or where we're going, it's the relationships we have with others that see us through. And in the midst of it all, Jesus walks with us, the Spirit actively works to bring about resurrection and God seeks to bless us with a hope-filled future one day at a time.
Series Information
When Pixar released Toy Story, the world of animation changed forever, bringing with it films we’ve come to love and cherish. Deep within the storyline of each Pixar film are traces, if not overt messages that are also found in the Bible. This summer, bring your imagination and creativity as we seek to understand Scripture with fresh eyes and animate our faith in new ways. God has the power to take us To infinity and beyond!