Lured But Not Alone (9 AM)
Temptation. It's something we all experience. In the 39th chapter of Genesis, Joseph, too, comes face-to-face with temptation as his boss' wife propositions him. Join us as we consider the lure of temptation and remember that God gives us the strength to resist that which may not be best for us in the long run.
Series Information

Many of us have said, “I’m ready for 2020 to be over.” With nearly six months left, it’s almost as if we have resigned ourselves to a year of disappointment and pain. But that’s not the future God dreams for us! When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream; to imagine a different outcome than the one the world anticipates? This five-week series focuses on the story of Joseph and will guide our examination of the very real challenges of hurt and forgiveness, temptation, pandemic and family relationship dynamics. Together we’ll see that even when we aren’t “living the dream,” we can trust that in all things, God works for good, and we can dream again.