Jun 30, 2019 | Rev. Carrie Binnie

Lost and Found (11 AM)

    The Pixar film, Finding Nemo, serves to illustrate the parables of the lost sheep and lost coin from Luke 15. Most of us read these texts and immediately think Jesus represents the individual looking for that which is lost--us. But what if we tilt the story a bit and consider ourselves partners with God in searching for ways to share Christ with those who are lost or experiencing loss? In Christ, our actions no longer define us. Instead, our identity is found in the love and saving work of Jesus Christ. 


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    Series Information

    When Pixar released Toy Story, the world of animation changed forever, bringing with it films we’ve come to love and cherish. Deep within the storyline of each Pixar film are traces, if not overt messages that are also found in the Bible. This summer, bring your imagination and creativity as we seek to understand Scripture with fresh eyes and animate our faith in new ways. God has the power to take us To infinity and beyond!


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