Oct 13, 2019 | Rev. Carrie Binnie

Let It Rise (11 AM)

    It can be difficult to find adequate words to describe one's faith. That may be why Jesus often chose to speak in parables when teaching and preaching to his followers. Sometimes his short stories seem to have an obvious meaning but other times, their messages may be hidden in plain sight--much like the parable comparing the God's kingdom to that of yeast. Perhaps the Holy Spirit can bring Jesus' ancient context to life and, like a leavening agent, help our understanding of the kingdom of God to rise.

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    Series Information

    Jesus was a master storyteller. He knew just how to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. And though life in first-century Palestine was very different from life today, many traditional interpretations of Jesus’ stories fail to honor that reality. Join us as we discover Jesus’ short stories, or parables, anew and delve into what they might mean for our lives today.


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