It Takes a Village
Let It Be (9 AM)
"Let it be." These are words we tend to hear when we're perseverating over something. And in the case of parenting, while intentional effort and love is required, a child will ultimately grow up to be their own person. We offer our hearts and our prayers, our wisdom and care. After that, we need to let it be and trust that God is moving in their lives.
Series Information

We’ve all heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and it’s true! None of us can get through life alone, let alone raise children alone. We need the support of the church and other influential adults to help disciple and raise young people who love and follow Jesus. Let’s examine some of the stories and instruction found in Scripture about what to do, what not to do and how to trust God—not only with our own lives, but with the lives of our children too.