Mar 03, 2019 | Rev. Carrie Binnie

Just Such A Time As This (11 AM)

    "Maybe you were made ... for such a time as this." These words from the Book of Esther are enough to give anyone pause about their purpose in life. But when we look to the story of Esther to establish a framework around the struggle The United Methodist Church is experiencing over differing beliefs and scriptural understandings of human sexuality, we can't help but ask ourselves the same question about our role in the future of the Church. Particularly in the wake of the special called session of General Conference, it is imperative that we consider who we are called to be, how we are called to live and the level of bold leadership we need to exhibit in order to forge ahead as the body of Christ.


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    Series Information

    Throughout the Hebrew Bible, we’ve read about the doubts, temptations, mistakes and violence of God’s people, followed by the forgiveness God inevitably grants them. It has begun to feel like an endless cycle; a playlist on repeat.

    Here’s the thing: we continue to select the same songs today! Why is it so hard for us to change our ways?

    Join us for a new sermon miniseries, Are We Listening?, as we consider how different life might sound if we tune our ears to the will of God.


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