Mar 24, 2019 | Rev. Carrie Binnie

Choice in the Darkness (9 AM)

    If you've ever had questions about your beliefs or had difficulty understanding the Christian faith, you can probably relate to Nicodemus, the man who met Jesus in the dark. Nicodemus struggled to grasp what Jesus meant when he said we must be "born again," but that didn't stop him from trying. Spiritual growth is often a gradual process that, without realizing it, we can sabotage with our preconceived ideas and ways of being. But what if the creative Spirit of God could break through, breathing new life into our very beings? Maybe then we would experience that resurrection actually is possible....

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    Series Information

    Having finished our study of the Hebrew Scriptures, we now turn our attention to the New Testament Gospels. Through the incarnation of Jesus Christ, humanity is given the opportunity to see and hear the heart of God. Jesus teaches us how to live, love, learn, listen and lead with integrity and intentionality. No one’s life has had a greater impact on the course of human history than his. Jesus is the heart of the story and the beat of our hearts.


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