Casting Lessons (11 AM)
We continue our sermon series where we left off last week with the Great Commandment. Have you ever noticed that the imperative to "love your neighbor as yourself" presupposes one's love for oneself? It can be hard to accept ourselves as we are, let alone love ourselves, but Jesus calls us to do just that. By loving ourselves, we will increase our capacity to love our neighbors. And when we expand our circles to include more relational diversity, we will be more inclined to see the world the way God does--with love.
Series Information

Jesus calls us to BE LOVE. If we are to live out the Great Commandment to love God and neighbor, we need to embody the kind of love Jesus is so famous for exhibiting. His is a reckless love; one that drives us to cross imposed or implied boundaries for the purpose of loving as God loves and commands us to love. This Lent, you’re invited to join Community United Methodist Church for an all-church study of Tom Berlin’s Reckless Love: Jesus’ Call to Love our Neighbor. “Love God more deeply by learning to love your neighbor” (back cover).