Becoming the Prodigal (11 AM)
In Luke 6:29a, Jesus tells his followers, "If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also." For most of us, it feels like the coronavirus has slapped us on the cheek. In response, we're focused on monitoring the health of ourselves and our loved ones (as we should) and making Target runs in hopes of nabbing the ever-elusive role of toilet paper. In essence, we're fighting back. But what if 'turning the other cheek' really does mean "doing to others as you would have them do to you" (Lk 6:31)? What might that look like in our current climate? Join us as we consider what it means to love our neighbors lavishly, foster community, offer hope and dispel fear in our world today.
Series Information

Jesus calls us to BE LOVE. If we are to live out the Great Commandment to love God and neighbor, we need to embody the kind of love Jesus is so famous for exhibiting. His is a reckless love; one that drives us to cross imposed or implied boundaries for the purpose of loving as God loves and commands us to love. This Lent, you’re invited to join Community United Methodist Church for an all-church study of Tom Berlin’s Reckless Love: Jesus’ Call to Love our Neighbor. “Love God more deeply by learning to love your neighbor” (back cover).