“Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can.” These timeless words of John Wesley, the founder of the movement that became The United Methodist Church, sound straightforward. In fact, some of us might even say we’re already following his instructions! But in a time where wants are mistaken for needs and consumerism and status win the day, the hard truth is that most of us could use a refresh in how we think about and handle our finances. This fall, bring an open mind and an expectant heart to worship and your life group discussions as we prayerfully consider how God might be challenging each one of us in the ways we’ve come to understand money.
When Pixar released Toy Story, the world of animation changed forever, bringing with it films we’ve come to love and cherish. Deep within the storyline of each Pixar film are traces, if not overt messages that are also found in the Bible. This summer, bring your imagination and creativity as we seek to understand Scripture with fresh eyes and animate our faith in new ways. God has the power to take us To infinity and beyond!
Jesus has given his disciples the Great Commission. We are to go and make disciples for the transformation of the world. With our mission before us and our everyday tasks, expectations and stressors mounting, how can we best participate in the continuation and growth of the Church in the world? How can we prioritize Jesus and his message in our lives? Or maybe the better question is, how can we not?
Having finished our study of the Hebrew Scriptures, we now turn our attention to the New Testament Gospels. Through the incarnation of Jesus Christ, humanity is given the opportunity to see and hear the heart of God. Jesus teaches us how to live, love, learn, listen and lead with integrity and intentionality. No one’s life has had a greater impact on the course of human history than his. Jesus is the heart of the story and the beat of our hearts.
Throughout the Hebrew Bible, we’ve read about the doubts, temptations, mistakes and violence of God’s people, followed by the forgiveness God inevitably grants them. It has begun to feel like an endless cycle; a playlist on repeat.
Here’s the thing: we continue to select the same songs today! Why is it so hard for us to change our ways?
Join us for a new sermon miniseries, Are We Listening?, as we consider how different life might sound if we tune our ears to the will of God.
What might Jesus’ birth have been like and what could his birthday celebration look like today? As you prepare for the coming of Christ and the new life he offers this Christmas, we invite you into a time of preparation and celebration. Join us as we prepare Birthday Bags for the local food shelf to help others celebrate their birthdays. And while you’re at it, why not make time in your own life to truly honor the one birthday that changed and continues to change everything? Let’s get ready to celebrate the most important birthday in all of history! This is one birthday party with no invitation required.
In our journey through The Story thus far, we’ve seen how the people of God found hope in the midst of dark times and victory when they never thought it possible, but we’ve also witnessed them challenge God, forget their faith and turn to war and destruction. It may be fair to say that God’s people have always had a few things in common: pain, questions and joy—sometimes all at the same time. Another piece of the human condition that we all share is the hunger for more—more money, more power, bigger house…. At times, and after trying unsuccessfully to satiate our hungers, we may even wonder if it’s possible to be truly satisfied. Join us for our new sermon series, Unsatisfied, as we explore the truth about what really satisfies the human heart and soul.
Have you ever been the last one picked, felt like life chewed you up and swallowed you whole for breakfast, or even hit rock bottom? Life doesn’t always go as planned, and biblical stories of divine intervention may seem far-reaching when compared with our own experiences. But if the God of the Hebrew Bible is the same God that we believe in today, might victory be possible for us???
Darkness: the space ridden with tension, uncertainty and that which is unknown. The earliest Bible stories tell us that God's people have known darkness from the beginning. Each of us has gone through difficult times and none of us has all the answers. But let us not forget that God lives in the light and dwells in the dark. God even created the separation of light from darkness. What if truth and purpose can be found in the dark? Join us as we seek out the hope that always accompanies darkness in the story of God.