
Current Series

Can You Embrace You?

A New Hope

Series thought: If people of all ages can partner together, we can lay a strong foundation for the future church. A church that may look different from today but will be worth celebrating as we acknowledge that God is on the move through every generation.

Book Reference:  Ready for More: How Millennials are Destined to Change the Church by Sara Blakeney

Pray With Fire

If you’re ready to see God work in your life, praying safe won’t cut it. It’s time to pray boldly. To pray daringly. To pray with fire.

Winning the War on Fear

When our world is shaken, it’s easy for fear to spread. But God promises to be with us no matter what comes our way.

Book Reference:  “Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times” by Adam Hamilton.



We hear about serving our neighbors as the Youth Mission Team shares about their experience this summer on their trip to South Dakota.

Who Am I?

Pastor Ralph kicks off his first Sundays at Community UMC exploring the idea of identity. What helps form your identity?

A Resilient Faith

We are in the midst of transition. From pandemic life to a new normal, spring to summer and one pastor to another. How might we become resilient in the face of adversity, change and newness as individuals and in our relationships?

Never Going Back

This past year has changed us. We have lost friends and loved ones; we’ve missed out on opportunities and experiences.

Things will never be the way they were before.

As we begin our return to normalcy this Easter season, we’re faced with the questions, “What does normal look like now?” and “Where is God’s promise for new life bursting forth?”



© 2024 Community United Methodist Church   |   9225 Jason Ave NE, Monticello, MN US 55362