
Baptisms are an important part of our worship, life and ministry together at Community, for the act of baptism gives all present the opportunity to respond to God’s loving claim on the life of the person being baptized. In other words, baptism doesn’t just involve one person or family, but also the people of Community UMC, who serve as representatives of the family of Christ.

People of all ages are eligible for baptism. We baptize by sprinkling and anoint the newly-baptized with oil as an act of commissioning. Church membership is not required for baptism or to have your child baptized. That said, as the body of believers who pledge to care and pray for you in your life and ministry, we hope you will consider membership and making Community UMC your church home. As United Methodists, we recognize and honor baptisms done in other churches and denominations, which means we do not rebaptize people. 

To schedule a baptism, please email  and indicate your preferred date(s) for baptism.


© 2025 Community United Methodist Church   |   9225 Jason Ave NE, Monticello, MN US 55362