What to Expect

Here at Community

All are welcome to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 AM. Nursery care is available at all services throughout the year. Sunday school is offered September through May during the worship service. There is something for everyone at Community!

First things first: Where do I park?
You are welcome to park anywhere in the lower or upper parking lots of CUMC. The Worship Center is located on the upper level of the church. We offer handicap accessible parking right next to the building.

I’ve parked.  Now what? Where do I go?
As you walk through the main entrance (accessible from the upper parking lot) and into the lobby, you will see the Worship Center directly in front of you. This is where we worship. If you come in the door from the lower parking lot, head down the hallway and up the stairs before turning left into the lobby area. The Worship Center will be in front of you and to the right. Our Hospitality Team will be in the lobby and at the various doors to welcome you and answer any questions you might have.

Is there a dress code?
No.  Please come as you are and wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

What happens before and after worship?
Some people choose to have a seat in the Worship Center and ready themselves for worship. Others tend to socialize in the lobby or in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and refreshments (dependent on Covid precautions). You’re welcome to do what works for you.

Let’s talk coffee—is it allowed in the Sanctuary?

Is nursery care offered on Sunday mornings?
Yes. We offer professionally staffed childcare from 9:45 - 11:15 AM in our nursery (just off of the lobby) for children from ages birth to age three. That said, children of all ages are always welcome in worship.

Is children’s programming offered on Sunday mornings?
Yes - September-May.*  Along with the assistance of our youth and adult volunteers, our Director of Children’s, Youth and Family Ministries leads children ages preschool through grade six in Sunday school. Parents can check-in their child(ren) in the lower level of the church. All children should be picked-up from Sunday School upon the conclusion of worship. Worship bags are always available for children to pick-up and bring with them into worship. These bags contain books, Bible activities, crayons, etc. and can be found on a cart just outside the doors to the Worship Center.

*Family Worship - Families are encouraged to worship together and celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month, therefore Sunday School is not offered on the first Sunday of the month.

How does financial giving work at CUMC?
No member or guest is obligated to contribute to the weekly Offering received during worship. Instead, giving is lifted up as a way that people can give back to God and directly fund and support the church's ministries. Many members and friends of CUMC participate in electronic funds transfer (EFT) while others prefer to give during the Offering or via website.

How is Communion observed and who is welcome to receive it?
We celebrate Communion during worship on the first Sunday of each month. A gluten-free option is always available in the bag that sits in the bread basket. We in the United Methodist Church believe in an open Communion table. In other words, we believe that Christ is the true host of the meal and that all are welcome to receive the bread and cup--no exceptions. If you are unable to come to the front of the Sanctuary to receive Communion, please inform an usher and he/she will see that the Communion elements are brought to you.

Where do I get more information about the church and its ministries?
Feel free to ask questions of anyone on our Hospitality Team (or anyone else, for that matter) any time. You are also invited to check out our print materials at the Welcome Center.


© 2025 Community United Methodist Church   |   9225 Jason Ave NE, Monticello, MN US 55362