Care and Support

Caring Ministries

Part of what it means to be the Church is to care for one another.

[Jesus said,] I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

When you are healing, we want to bring you a meal. When you are grieving or you receive a difficult diagnosis, we want to support you. When you are celebrating, we want to join the party! When you have a need, we will do our best to meet it. We care.

The Caring Ministries Team seeks to provide support, facilitation and continuity in serving the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of individuals within the congregation and beyond. We have a parish nurse who cultivates and leads ministries encouraging physical and spiritual health and wholeness.  Others send notes of encouragement, sympathy and congratulations when a card of support may be appreciated. Still others engage in acts of service for others and/or provide visitation. 


In an effort to broaden our capacity to help people needing loving spiritual care, our Caring Ministries Team offers ongoing visitation and response for those in who desire spiritual support, prayer and connection through times of struggle, illness, aging, transition and/or crisis. If you are in need of care, support, prayer or visitation, please contact Pastor Ralph Holbrook or call the church office at (763) 400-3969.  

Service to Others

We all need a little help sometimes. Some of the ways we come alongside one another include but are not limited to:

  • Transporting you to church, medical appointments, prescription pick up, banking or short shopping trips
  • Raking leaves, mowing the lawn, clearing the snow from your sidewalk
  • Social Media assistance, Internet troubleshooting
  • Offering minor home repairs (tightening door handles/hinges, reconnecting TVs, hanging pictures, etc.)
  • Helping you determine if an appliance needs service and assistance in arranging the service
  • Being present with you during a repair or home service call
  • Delivering you/your car for pre-arranged service (oil change, tire rotation, etc.)
  • Adding salt to your water softener
  • Feeding a pet for a few days when you are away from home

Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can best support you by contacting the church office.

Contact Us


Little Free Pantry


Prayer Chain

We believe in the power of prayer and in the value of Community. As a result, our Prayer Chain actively prays for individuals and situations as they become known. Those who elect to be a part of the Prayer Chain receive regular emails or pick up printed copies of requested prayers from the Welcome Center. If you would like to submit a prayer request, you are invited to do so here. You can also call the church office at (763) 400-3969, contact our pastor or make note of your request using the Connect Card in your worship program. For privacy reasons, please share the names of persons involved only as you have permission to do so.

Submit a Prayer Request





© 2025 Community United Methodist Church   |   9225 Jason Ave NE, Monticello, MN US 55362